Melanie Davies Mind Solutions
Professional Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Services in Newmarket and across Suffolk and Cambridgeshire
Clients can access my help from anywhere in the UK and worldwide via online zoom meetings, or in person, by travelling to my therapy room on the outskirts of Newmarket and Cambridge. I’m located within easy reach of the A11 and A14, providing convenient access for clients travelling from Newmarket, Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Linton, Soham, and Thetford.

Free Consultation

Relaxing Atmosphere

Confidential Service
My Mission

Melanie Davies Mind Solutions - Newmarket, Cambridge and beyond
My name is Melanie, and my mission is help you improve your health, happiness, and habits.
The process of working with me will give you the tools to cultivate resilience, joy and success in all areas of your life.
We all face obstacles along our journey - some come from the outside world, others from our own limiting beliefs, but our mind and how we think is our secret powerhouse to overcome whatever stands between us and our goals.
Through harnessing our mind, we can unlock our hidden potential.
Whether you want to overcome anxiety, improve confidence, build resilience to stress, enjoy better sleep and relaxation, or improve your mental and physical health habits and coping strategies, I can help you.
I work with individual private clients and provide workplace wellbeing solutions in corporate and educational settings.
Contact me HERE to find out how I can help you or read more on the pages for services, corporate, or educational.
Hypnotherapy for Change
Congratulations on finding your way to this page.
You have already taken your first important step to change your life! Using a range of techniques drawn from Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Neuroscience and evidence-based Stress Management approaches, I work with you to make the changes you desire.
Unlike traditional talk therapies like counselling or psychotherapy, with my solution focused hypnotherapy approach there is no need to revisit painful past experiences in detail to be able to move forward.
I specialise in helping people overcome anxiety, build confidence and manage stress, although these things show up in many different ways from poor sleep, chronic pain, weight management and phobias. Find out more about me and how I can help you.

Free Consultation
For successful outcomes in any therapy, it is important that you feel at ease and have a good rapport with your therapist.
I always offer a no-obligation consultation which can be a phone call, a zoom meeting or an in-person appointment so that you can be confident that I am the right person to help you.
We meet, discuss the things you want to change and make a plan. You are fully informed of the cost and processes involved before making a commitment to start your treatment.
Take a look at my range of my Services For Individuals
and ask if you need any help for anything not listed.